Leopard tortoise 001 _DX_7119

Picture file reference: Tortue leopard 001 _DX_7119
Name of the picture: Leopard tortoise 001 _DX_7119
Location: Africa, East Africa, Kenya, Amboseli National Park
Name (of animal) in English: Leopard tortoise
Name (of animal) in French: Tortue leopard
Name (of animal) in Latin: Stigmochelys pardalis
Keywords: Africa, East Africa, Kenya, Amboseli National Park, Wildlife, Reptile, Reptiles, Horizontal, Turtle, Turtles, Tortue, Tortues, Tortue leopard, Leopard tortoise, Stigmochelys pardalis, Walking, Afrique, Parc national d'Amboseli, faune, Tortue léopard, marche

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