Chimpanzee 003 _X220863

Picture file reference: Chimpanze 003 _X220863
Name of the picture: Chimpanzee 003 _X220863
Name (of animal) in English: Chimpanzee
Name (of animal) in French: Chimpanze
Name (of animal) in Latin: Pan troglodytes
Keywords: Africa, East Africa, Uganda, Ngamba Island Chimpanzee Sanctuary, Wildlife, Primate, Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, One, Adult, Sitting, Resting, Horizontal. Afrique, Afrique de l'Est, Ouganda, Sanctuaire de chimpanzés de l'Ile de Ngamba, Faune, Chimpanze, Un, Adulte, Assis, se respose, Horizontale,

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